Jodi Picoult

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  • SVP, Director of Publicity and Strategic Communications
  • Random House Publishing Group
  • 917-334-0671
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  • Contact Emily Isayeff
  • Deputy Director of Publicity
  • Random House Publishing Group

  • Donations are at the discretion of the publisher

Have you met many of your readers at book signings or through letters and email?

Yes! I love getting fan mail. Often, as a writer, you never know what your readers think of a book… you get critical reviews and sales figures, but none of that is the same as knowing you've made a person stay up all night reading, or helped them have a good cry, or really touched their life. The best part of this web site is the accessibility fans have to me via email. Please email me and tell me what you thought of the book you read! The letters come right to me, and I always answer.

photo by Tim Llewellyn
Hi-res publicity photo

Photo by Tim Llewellyn - 2021

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